Vargas, Luis G.. "Four muscoid flies (Sarcophagidae and Muscidae) associated w..." (3-5-)
Medellín, Rodrigo A. "Notes on the biology of Micronycteris brachyotis (Dolson) (C..." (7-11-)
Young, Allen M.. "Seed mortality and recruitment in the forest canopy vine Muc..." (13-25-)
Vaughan, Christopher. "Coyote range expansion in Costa Rica and Panama" (27-32-)
Gill, Douglas E. "Within tree variation in fruit production and seed set in Ca..." (33-40-)
Jones, Clara B.. "Do Howler Monkeys feed upon legume flowers preferentially at..." (41-46-)
Winemiller, Kirk O.. "An Introduction to the freshwater fish communities of Corcov..." (47-66-)
Stegenga, H.. "Acrochaetiaceae (Rhodophyta) New to the Costa Rican Atlantic..." (67-91-)
Morales, L. D.. "Riesgos geológicos asociados con terremotos en los alrededor..." (93-117-)
Raich, James W.. "Understory palms as nutrient traps: a Hipothesis" (119-129-)
Black, Hal L. "Bark Chlorophyll in five species of neotropical trees" (131-136-)
Cole, Marie. "An illustrated guide to the genera of Costa Rican Hepaticae...." (137-201-)
Chandler, Donald S. "A Revision of the Central American Bunoderus (Coleoptera:Pse..." (203-227-)
Granados, Ricardo. "Geopaleontología de la Cuenca baja del Rio Savegre Costa Ric..." (229-260-)
Opler, Paul A. "Vegetative keys to the shrubby Melastomataceae and piperacea..." (261-268-)
Styles, B T. "Studies of variation in Central American Pine III. Notes on ..." (269-291-)
Radulovich, Ricardo. "Study of the non-competitive effects of bracken (Pteridium a..." (293-298-)
Griffin III, Dana. "Keys to the genera of mosses from Costa Rica" (299-323-)
Montoya, Michel. "Los Moluscos marinos de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica. I. Lis..." (325-353-)
Gómez, Luis Diego. "The Fungi of Cocos Island, Costa Rica I" (355-364-)
Soto, Ricardo. "Nuevos informes para la flora bentónica marina de Costa Rica" (365-370-)
Acuña M., Rafael A.. "El Exito del desarrollo de los huevos de la tortuga marina L..." (371-385-)
Janzen, Daniel H.. "Larval biology of Ectomyelois muriscis, (Pyralidae : Phyciti..." (387-393-)
Creamer, Winifred. "Archaeological fauna remains as indicators of territory size..." (395-401-)
Campos Ramirez, Rafael Gmo. "Distribución del Gorrión común (Passer domesticus) en Costa ..." (409-410-)
Soto, Ricardo. "Fenología de Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey (Rhodophyt..." (411-436-)
Gómez, Luis Diego. "De Fungi. Una selección de Plinio el Viejo" (437-447-)
Morán, Robbin C.. "Two new species of Ctenitis (Dryopteridaceae) from Costa Ric..." (449-453-)
Happel, Ruth. "Saimiri as a probable pollinator of Passiflora" (455-456-)
Vaughan, Christopher. "An interesting feeding habit for the Collared deccary (Tayas..." (456-457-)
Gómez, Luis Diego. "Beauty and the beast" (458-)
Gómez, Luis Diego. "Variegated squirrels eat fungi, too" (458-459-)
Chaverri, Adelaida. "Herbivorismo de orugas de la familia Lasiocampidae sobre una..." (461-463-)
Gómez P., Luis Diego. "Bird's nest fungi" (464-)