Wagner, Florence S.. "The Chromosome number of Solanopteris brunei (Wercklé ex Chr..." (81-82-)
Ramírez B., William. "Evolution of Blastophagy" (1-13-)
Chandra, Subhash. "Morphology of the adult sporophyte of Camptodium Fee (Aspidi..." (15-23-)
Ciccio, José F. "Aceites de semillas de plantas del género Stemmadenia (Apocy..." (31-36-)
DeLong, Dwigth M. "New species of Portanus (Homoptera:Cicadellidae) from Bolivi..." (37-49-)
Hilje Quirós, Luko. "Relación entre las dimensiones de las extremidades y el tipo..." (41-49-)
Utley, John F.. "A Sinopsis of the Mexican Margraviaceae" (51-59-)
Young, Allen M.. "Notes on the life cycle of the butterfly Hypanartia keferste..." (61-69-)
Janzen, Daniel H.. "Food and feeding behavior of a captive Costa Rican least pig..." (71-80-)
Valerio, Carlos E.. "Significance of all male progenies in some microhymenopteran..." (25-29-)