
Molina Arias, Alex, Año 2010
Desarrollo larval de Amphilophus alfari (Meek 1907) ( Pisces: Cichlidae) cultivados en laboratorio
Brenesia Volumen 2010, Número 73-74

Páginas: 103-107 al 103-107
ISSN: 0304-3711

Palabras clave: Larvae, Development, Cichlidae, Amphilophus alfari

Resumen: This article describes the most relevant larval development characteristics of Amphilophus alfari {Meek 1907). The eggs hatch between 68 h and 70 h, with 2,25 ± 0,11 mm in length and 1,72 ± 0,07 mm wide. Larvae recently hatched, have a total length of 4,66 ± 0,10 mm. At 24 h, the rudiments of eyes with some pigments on it and pectoral fins can be observed; at 48 h, the mouth is observed; at 96 h, the first rays of caudal fin become evident; at 120 h, some larvae start to swim, and some rays start to form in the pectoral fins; at 144 h, some larvae start to feed and the yolk sac is reabsorbed almost completely; at 168 h, the first rays of anal and dorsal fins become evident, small rudiments of pelvic fins start to emerge; at 192 h, the anal and dorsal fin start to separate of the caudal fin; at 240 h, the anal and dorsal fin separates completely of the caudal fin; at 312 h, the first rays of pelvic fins started to form; at 336 h, the rays and spines of dorsal and anal fin can be distinguished; at 360 h, the anal fin and the dorsal fin have the same number of spines and rays as in adults; after 504 h, larvae have the first scales and start to transform to fingerlings.

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