
Giménez Hurtado, Enrique, Año 2010
Retención de tallas de jaiba (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896: Decapoda, Portunidae) por mallas plásticas cuadradas y ventanas de escape circular
Brenesia Volumen 2010, Número 73-74

Páginas: 98-102
ISSN: 0304-3711

Palabras clave: size retention, management, Callinectes sapidus, Blue crab pots

Resumen: This paper shows the blue crab's sizes retention rates curves obtained in crab pot built with escape windows with 45 and 50 mm diameter and plastic square meshes of 25 mm (1 inch) and 38,1 mm (1.5 inches). The experience took place in the coastal sector of Sierra Morena (23°04'N - 80°43'W) - Pta. Higuereta (22°46'N - 79°46'W), in Villa Clara's North-coast, Cuba. Size samplings measuring the width of cephalothorax (Ac) in 0.50 intervals (not considering the spines lateral) were carried out. A total of 1061 blue crab were measured and both sexes were represented in the sample. The number individual's retained per size was graphed as retained proportions for each escape window and meshes used in the experience. The results show that 25 mm mesh size used in the crab pots was very inefficient considering the retention of small size, since specimens begin to be retained starting with a 55 mm of Ac. The 38,1 mm square plastic mesh only retains a 10% of individuals under a size of 90 mm Ac. This mesh facilitates the escape of small sizes blue crabs. The 45 mm diameter escape window retains a high percentage of small specimens and the 50 mm diameter escape window shows size retention rate similar to 38.1 mm mesh. The retention rates sizes curves determined in this study have important implications in this species' management.

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