
González J., Eugenio, Año 2010
Efecto del control de tifa, Typha domingensis Pers.(Typhaceae), sobre el banco de semillas en el Humedal Ramsar Palo Verde, Costa Rica
Brenesia Volumen 2010, Número 73-74

Páginas: 64-72
ISSN: 0304-3711

Palabras clave: Wetland restoration, Soil seed composition, PALO VERDE, Costa Rica, cattail eradication

Resumen: Through the current research we studied the impact of the fangueo technique used to eradicate cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) on the soil seed bank of the Palo Verde Ramsar wetland. Soi! samples were taken at four depths and placed under shade house conditions to obtain through the seedling emergence technique an estimation of the soil seed bank. Three transepts with 1,0 x 1,0 m sub-plots were laid down at the wetland to estimate the impact of fangueo on the diversity and plant composition of the wetland. The mean soil seed density found in the wetland ranged from 1 931 seeds/m2 in the site restored with fangueo to 5 831 seeds/m2 at the site no restored but heavily dominated by cattails, with means non significantly different probably due to high variation within sites. However, the mechanical restoration activities seem to activate the germination of some other plant species found in the seed soil bank of the wetland. Thus, the Shannon-Weiner species diversity index for seeds germinated was higher at the site restored of the Palo Verde marsh than that of the site dominated by T. domingensis. The heavy deposition of dead steams and leaves of cattail appears to impair, on one hand, that the seeds of other plant species to reach the soil, and on the other, the germination of other species. Likewise, the restoration with fangueo seems to improve notably the establishment of more plant species in the wetland, with a significantly higher number of species established at the restored site than that of the sites non-restored and dominated by cattails. The potential impact of the dominance of cattails on the plant diversity and wetland dynamic is discussed.

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